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Data Engines - .NET 4 Framework
Data and Database Components

AJE Data Components deliver and manage Data in powerful resuable .NET component libraries.

There are 3 products available...

1. Data Engine Professional Core

AJE Data Engine Professional Core is an advanced Component Library for reading and writing Datasets using Object Relational Mapping (ORM). The Library acts as a Data Access Layer centralizing common functions into a reusable component and includes many advanced features and utility functions for optimizing speed, navigation and ease of access. Supports both a hierarchical view of the Data as XML and a relational view as a Database.

Data Engine is an enhancement to any project and can easily be incorporated into your systems increasing reliability, functionality and speeding up the development process.

Some of Data Engines features:-

  • Enhanced functionality and increased reliability
  • Development time and costs reduced
  • Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
  • Utility functions to optimize Data Access
  • Advanced Data Navigation
  • Asynchronous Data reading
  • Code Automation Tool to generate Data Classes*
  • Compatible with multiple Data Sources
  • Export and Import XML Data
  • Output Data in multiple formats
  • Handle multiple Data Connections

Data Engine offers advanced functionality and ease of use wrapped into a powerful reusable .NET component making this product an outstanding addition to any Application. Professional version adds extra functionality to Data Engine Core with row locking, Data Collection Classes, asynchronous reading and many more features!

*Data Class Builder is an optional tool to automate the coding of Data Classes using Data Engine Core.


2. Data Engine Core

AJE Data Engine Core is an advanced Component Library for reading and writing Datasets using Object Relational Mapping (ORM). The Library acts as a Data Access Layer centralizing common functions into a reusable component and includes many advanced features and utility functions for optimizing speed, navigation and ease of access. Supports both a hierarchical view of the Data as XML and a relational view as a Database.

Data Engine is an enhancement to any project and can easily be incorporated into your systems increasing reliability, functionality and speeding up the development process.

Some of Data Engines features:-

  • Enhanced functionality and increased reliability
  • Development time and costs reduced
  • Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
  • Utility functions to optimize Data Access
  • Advanced Data Navigation
  • Code Automation Tool to generate Data Classes*
  • Compatible with multiple Data Sources
  • Export and Import XML Data
  • Output Data in multiple formats
  • Handle multiple Data Connections

Data Engine offers advanced functionality and ease of use wrapped into a powerful reusable .NET component making this product an outstanding addition to any Application.

*Data Class Builder is an optional tool to automate the coding of Data Classes using Data Engine Core.


3. RSS Feed Engine - .NET

AJE RSS Feed Engine is an advanced component library for reading, writing, aggregating and managing RSS Feeds and Content. Feed Engine allows Feed Data to be quickly downloaded and stored locally into a Feed repository with options to automatically update cached Feeds for fast Offline access.

Web Feeds can be parsed and output into in a readable HTML format for easy viewing. Aggregated content can also be customised with style sheets allowing the HTML outputs to be tailored. As well as reading RSS Feeds the library can create them enabling you to manage your own Feed Content.

Feed Engine is a powerful data aggregator and content management component which can easily be incorporated into your systems.

Some of Feed Engines features:-

  • Read, Write and Aggregate RSS Feeds
  • Download and Parse Web Feeds
  • Create and manage your own Feed Content
  • Save, Retrieve Feed Data and Output in XML
  • Aggregate Feeds into one location for easy access
  • Output Feeds into a readable HTML format
  • HTML Customisable Style Sheets
  • Feed Database for Storing RSS Feeds
  • Fast Local Caching of Feeds for Offline access
  • Automatic Updating of Feed Data and Content

RSS Feed Engine offers advanced functionality and ease of use wrapped into a powerful reusable .NET component making this product an outstanding addition to any Application or Website.


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